The Well-Nourished Mother: Helping You Thrive in Pregnancy, Birth & Motherhood
Do you long to experience pregnancy, birth and motherhood on a deeper level?
Do you desire to explore new knowledge and perspectives, to practice tuning into and trusting your own innate wisdom, and to embody your most authentic version of self?
If that’s a “heck yaaaa” I hear, then WELCOME dear sister. You’re in the right place.
In this space we bring so much reverence to the rite of passage that is the maiden to mother journey. Join Lauren Fortuna-Floch for unfiltered and inspiring conversations with experts, mothers, and all around badass wise women, where we’ll explore all the ways we can nourish ourselves- body, mind, and heart. We're blending the head AND the heart, the mind AND the body to help you cultivate the knowledge, practices, and resources you need to be the most aligned and radically well-nourished mother you deserve to be.
The Well-Nourished Mother: Helping You Thrive in Pregnancy, Birth & Motherhood
MUSINGS + MAGICK: The Marriage of ‘Being’ and ‘Doing’ in Modern Motherhood (JUNE NEW MOON INTENTIONS WITH LAUREN AND NICOLE)
We’re so often given the advice of “more being, less doing” yet what does this actually look like in modern motherhood as busy, potentially high achieving, and conscious mothers or women entrepreneurs?
It can be easy to enter a shame spiral when we find ourselves betraying our own needs or not following through on things we intend to do.
In this episode, we uncover the identity of efficiency and discuss how being efficient can be a strong motivator in our day to day actions. We reflect on how societal conditioning and external validation has led to a distortion around self worth and productivity.
We explore how to show our nervous systems that it’s actually SAFE not to be efficient despite past and current programming, and we talk about different ways we are each personally infusing micro pauses of intention into our day without massive adjustments to our to-do lists.
This episode invites you to find ways to infuse more being into your doing.
Some ideas we offer include practicing awareness and strengthening your muscle of discernment. Strengthening awareness and discernment can increase Self trust and Self worth in small, bite sized ways while allowing flexibility for the changing seasons of one’s capacity.
We set new moon intentions for ourselves and invite you to join us in asking yourself questions like:
“What does my body need right now?”
And “Have I felt my heartbeat today?” and invite you to either follow through on what comes up in response to those questions, or hold space for what's present without jumping to fix it or take it away.
Resources mentioned:
The Healing Power of Pleasure: Seven Medicines for Rediscovering the Innate Joy of Being by Juila Paulette Hollenbury (book)
Connect with Nicole on IG (@nicolepasveer)
Connect with Lauren on IG (@nestandnourish)
I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts and feedback... send a text message directly to the show.
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